10 signs you should invest in Social Media Analysis in Manchester
Just as the world’s largest brands have embraced social media and are performing well from it, smaller enterprises can also make great use of networking tools such as Facebook and Twitter by reaching out to consumers. Followers of a brand page who interact with posts from that business are much more likely to spend with that brand – as long as their experience is a positive one, of course. Bringing in new clients is a compelling reason to get working on your Facebook page today, and why you should consider taking on the services of a social media analysis specialist in your local area whether that be Manchester, London or Sheffield
10 signs you should invest in social media analysis in Manchester, London, Bristol or whatever your your local area is.
1. You have unclear social media goals
Disorganised posts at sporadic intervals will not attract clients in the same way a consistent, simple to follow posting schedule can. Social media analysis can determine what your goals should be and how to meet them successfully. Targeting your posts to your local area will reap rewards so take the time to think about how you can make use of local knowledge! If you are from Manchester using a Social Media Analyst or Consultant from the area will pay dividends.
2. You are losing followers
Sometimes, it is clear to see where social media campaigns are going wrong. Other times, they struggle to take off despite all efforts to succeed.Professional analysis can investigate when your followers are leaving, and why.
3. Getting new followers is difficult
As long as you keep posting engaging content, you should see your page followers rise accordingly. However, sometimes the numbers can seem a little stuck. If your reach is not growing, consider requesting some analysis of your pages and content.
4. Sales are not increasing
If your sales figures remain steady despite your best efforts, it could be that you are not reaching the right kind of followers. Create more conversions by analysing your audience and changing the focus of your content. You could think of localising the content and making local offers for local people.
5. Your posts are the wrong size for the format
Twitter restricts you to 140 characters, while Facebook allows longer pieces of text. Instagram is for images, although captions can be included. Make sure you stick witin the platform’s limits and best practices.
Get feedback from your followers to ensure your posts are suitable for them.
6. You are not being talked about by others
Social media is not just about your own content. Successful brands are talked about positively and linked to from other places within the network. Is your business getting favourable mentions around the web? It may be easier to connect with people in your neighbourhood and get traction that way.
7. Your competition is performing better than you
If a rival business is doing a better job of social media engagement, you need to win back that audience. Find out more about the potential market in your sector, and who is doing well from it.
8. Competitions and offers get little uptake
Usually, offering a free prize or discount is a great way to get customers to engage with you. If the lure of free stuff isn’t working, it might be that your posts are not reaching the right people. Analysis of your social media appeal can help.
9. You get negative feedback online
Sometimes, people will attack brands online for sport with false reviews and abuse – these people are known as trolls. Other times, the feedback may be from genuine customers. Learn to tell the difference, and how to respond, through analysis.
10. You want to grow your following further
Even if nothing is wrong with your Facebook or Twitter campaign, things could always be going even better. Up your game and give yourself the edge with a thorough performance report on your social media campaign.
Many brands are performing exceptionally well as a result of social media. Followers gained by social media accounts are a good indicator that the account is working successfully and attracting potential customers. It is then the job of the brand to deliver engaging content to those followers, showcasing the brand and its values.
Facebook tops the list of most followers with 169,314,649, and the top five Fan Pages includes McDonald’s with 60 million fans, Disney at 50 million and MTV at 48 million. As some of the most recognised brands in the world, it is no surprise that people tend to seek them out online too.
However, other notable world leaders such as Coca-Cola, Apple and Adidas are missing from the top spots. That is because it takes more than market recognition to succeed at social media: you also need a strong campaign that speaks to your audience and picks up sales for you.
For more information on extending the reach of your Facebook campaign and creating more conversions, download our free guide now:
How To Attract Customers With Facebook